Install EV Charging and Save

EV Charge SF is designed to help CleanPowerSF customers finance Electric Vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure in San Francisco. Projects can take advantage of up to $120,000 in financial incentives to install ready-to-use EV chargers and related infrastructure.

Existing Buildings Pilot Program

EV Charge SF has a new Existing Buildings Pilot for Multifamily, Not-for-Profit, and Small Business CleanPowerSF properties. These properties may also qualify for PG&E/Ecology Action Multifamily Housing and Small Business EV Charger Programs.

Let us know you are interested!

Fill out the form below and we will follow-up with you about your interest and help answer questions you may have.

New building and commercial Garage Eligibility

  • New construction projects, either commercial or residential, that are or will be CleanPowerSF customers served under a qualifying electric rate, and are subject to the San Francisco EV Readiness Ordinance (Ord. #92-17); or 

  • Recently constructed buildings on a qualifying CleanPowerSF electric rate that have complied with the EV Readiness Ordinance.

  • Commercial parking garages and parking lots subject to the SF Commercial Garage EV Charging Ordinance on a qualifying CleanPowerSF electric rate.


EV Charge SF’s incentives can help finance EV charging infrastructure that exceed minimum code requirements. The program offers, on a first come first served basis: 

• Financial incentives for installing “Level 2” (240V) EV charging equipment 

• Financial incentives for adding Level 1 EV charging outlets and EV conduit 

• EV Action Plan template

• Optional technical assistance for most projects

• Technical Assistance is currently on pause

Are You Charged Up?

Interested in making EV charging a part of your project? We’re here to assist. Find out if your project is eligible for EV Charge SF. Contact or call (415) 554-0773.