Customer Resources — CleanPowerSF

Customer Resources

Did you know that as a CleanPowerSF customer you are eligible for programs and other rebates to help you use energy more sustainably? From solar installations to electric vehicles, we’ll point you to our programs and more that can help you sustainably power your life or business. 

See below for information about programs available to CleanPowerSF customers.


There are several solar programs available to CleanPowerSF customers. Explore your options below.

SuperGreen Saver

SuperGreen Saver offers a 20% bill discount and 100% renewable energy every month to qualifying CleanPowerSF residential customers.


GoSolarSF offers cash incentives to homeowners that install eligible solar electric systems. The incentive program is managed by San Francisco Public Utilities Commission and supports installations located in San Francisco. Please note that only incentives for low-income customers remain available.

Solar Inverter Replacement Program

The Solar Inverter Replacement Program offers rebates up to $3,000 for the inspection, repair, and replacement of solar inverters to CleanPowerSF CARE and FERA customers who received a low-income incentivized GoSolarSF solar system.

CleanPowerSF's Net Energy Metering (NEM) Program

Customers with rooftop solar energy systems on their homes or commercial buildings can reduce monthly electric bill by generating their own clean power. Under a program called Net Energy Metering, customers that generate their own solar power receive credit on their bills for the excess energy they spill to the grid each month. Those credits may subsequently be used to offset the cost of energy purchased from the grid in a subsequent month. Customers that generate more power than they consume during the year are eligible to receive a payment from CleanPowerSF. Learn more about CleanPowerSF's NEM program.

Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing

The Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing (SOMAH) program provides financial incentives for installing photovoltaic (PV) energy systems on multifamily affordable housing within the service territories of Pacific Gas & Electric Company, Southern California Edison Company, San Diego Gas & Electric, Liberties Utilities Company, and PacifiCorp. The program ensures, direct economic benefits for tenants and creates jobs through its workforce development requirements.The SOMAH program is overseen by the California Public Utilities Commission.

Electric Vehicles (EVs)

Electric vehicles have no tailpipe emissions, which means cleaner air for you and your community. Oh, and no more oil changes either. Learn about EV rebate programs below.

EV Charge SF

CleanPowerSF's new incentive program for EV charging in new construction projects. Make EV charging a part of your new project from the start. Learn more.

PG&E Rebates

PG&E offers rebates for the purchase of electric vehicles. For more information about rebate amounts, visit PG&E’s EV rebate page.

Federal Tax Credit

The federal tax credit is provided after the purchase of an EV. The tax credit ranges from $2,500-$7,500, depending on tax liability, battery capacity, and vehicle make/model.

Clean Vehicle Rebate Project(CVRP)

The Clean Vehicle Rebate Project (CVRP) promotes clean vehicle adoption in California by offering rebates of up to $7,000 for the purchase or lease of new, eligible zero-emission vehicles, including electric, plug-in hybrid electric and fuel cell vehicles.

Save Energy at Home or for Your Business

Heat Pump Water Heater Program

Replace your gas hot water heater with an efficient, electric, heat pump water heater instead! CleanPowerSF residential customers can qualify for rebates for a new heat pump water heater. Participating Contractors who install heat pump water heaters for CleanPowerSF residential customers can receive $1,000 for each project. Learn more on our Heat Pump Water Heater page.

Peak Day Pricing Program

Save money for your business and help keep California’s energy supply reliable for everyone. See if you are eligible for CleanPowerSF's Peak Day Pricing Program, which rewards businesses for reducing electricity use between 4 and 9 p.m. on certain days.

BayREN Home+

The BayREN Home+ program offers rebates and expert support to make your home more comfortable, healthy, and energy-efficient. Rebates are available for furnaces, water heaters, insulation, electric cooktops, smart thermostats, and more.

BayREN Business

BayREN Business provides rebates, financing, and one-stop-shop technical assistance to ensure small and medium businesses can leverage all available energy saving programs.

Energy Storage and Other Distributed Generation Technologies

Discover incentives for business and residential customers installing new, qualifying equipment for generating and storing energy.

Self-Generation Incentive Program

The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) provides financial incentives for installing clean, efficient, on-site distributed generation, including energy storage systems.

Solar Water Heating

California Solar Initiative for Single-Family Homes

The CSI-Thermal Rebate Program offers cash rebates for solar water heating systems that are installed on single-family homes. Each rebate is a one-time payment that is based on how much energy the system is expected to displace. Residents who heat their water with natural gas can get a maximum rebate up to $4,336.

Federal tax deduction for businesses

Businesses that install solar energy systems may qualify for a deduction from their taxable income on their federal tax returns. The tax deduction is achieved by depreciating the net system cost using the five-year depreciation schedule.

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