Say Hello to a Lower Electricity Bill and Cleaner Energy
SuperGreen Saver, a new CleanPowerSF program, offers qualifying customers a 20% discount on their electricity bill and 100% renewable energy every month.
Are you a current SuperGreen Saver customer? Did you receive a letter/email from CleanPowerSF about renewing your CARE/FERA enrollment? Renew your enrollment in CARE/FERA so you can stay in SuperGreen Saver. Take action to keep enjoying a 40% or more discount on your electricity bill every month. Renew your CARE/FERA enrollment with PG&E, or contact us at or 415-554-0773.
Apply for Program Waitlist
The SuperGreen Saver program is currently full and not enrolling new customers at this time. However, you can still apply for the program and be added to the waitlist if you qualify. As capacity in the program becomes available, we will contact waitlisted customers on a first-come, first-served basis. Thank you for your interest!
SuperGreen saver Highlights
Receive a 20% discount on your electricity bill and 100% renewable energy every month
Combine the program’s 20% discount with other discounts you may already receive on your electricity bill
Remain in SuperGreen Saver for the program’s duration (as long as you continue to meet the program’s eligibility criteria)
Program eligiblity
To qualify for SuperGreen Saver, you must meet all the criteria below:
You are a CleanPowerSF residential customer (you own a single-family home or rent an apartment in a multi-family building, etc.)
You live in a Disadvantaged Community (DAC) in San Francisco (check your address here to see if it is in a red shaded area/DAC on the map)
You are eligible for CARE (California Alternate Rates for Energy) or FERA (Family Electric Rates Assistance)
Please note that Net Energy Metering customers do not qualify for SuperGreen Saver.
Contact Us
We’re here to help! If you have questions about SuperGreen Saver, email us at or call (415) 554-0773.
Customer Resources
Frequently Asked Questions
The 20% SuperGreen Saver discount will be applied to your bill in addition to other discounts you may already receive, like CARE.
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) authorized CleanPowerSF to implement this program. Per the CPUC’s requirements, participating customers must live in disadvantaged communities (DACs), which are defined as areas that scored within the top 25% of the latest version of the California Communities Environmental Health Screening Tool, CalEnviroScreen. Residents located in these areas are considered to be disproportionately impacted by environmental, economic, and health burdens. The intent of the program is to increase adoption of renewable energy within disadvantaged communities, particularly among customers that are not able to install solar on their roof.
Yes. If you are eligible for CARE or FERA, but not enrolled, you may still participate in SuperGreen Saver if you meet the other requirements. You will need to either enroll in CARE or FERA, or, certify that you are eligible for one of these programs. We encourage you to enroll in CARE or FERA if you are eligible in order to benefit from the CARE/FERA discount in addition to the 20% SuperGreen Saver discount.
Customers who, after enrollment into SuperGreen Saver, become ineligible for CARE or FERA will be disenrolled from the program. If you become qualified for CARE/FERA again in the future, you may re-enroll into SuperGreen Saver if there is capacity available.
If you are a CleanPowerSF NEM customer, you are not eligible for SuperGreen Saver. Master-metered customers and customers enrolled in CleanPowerSF’s Community Solar Green Tariff (CSGT) are also not eligible.
Unfortunately, if a customer moves to another location within CleanPowerSF’s service territory, they will need to reestablish their eligibility by re-applying for the program. If the customer is found to still be eligible, CleanPowerSF will add the customer to the program if capacity allows or add them to the end of the waitlist. CleanPowerSF will review the waitlist on a monthly basis and add customers on a first-come, first-served basis as capacity allows. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Yes. There is no minimum length of time that you must participate. There is also no termination fee associated with unenrolling from the SuperGreen Saver program. Contact us to unenroll.