With about 3,000 people in attendance, SFPUC’s Power Enterprise and Community Benefits staff joined forces to bring information to students, families, and educators at the Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) Students annual Summer Resource Fair, hosted at Golden Gate Park.
Engaging Students with Energy Hands-on Activities
One of the highlights of the event was the interactive experience offered to students at our tables. Our hands-on activities allowed students to explore how electricity is generated in San Francisco, with a focus on renewable energy sources. Students had the chance to interact with a mini solar panel model, learning how solar power works and how it’s used in our daily lives. Additionally, they were introduced to a hydroelectric model to better understand the Hetch Hetchy Regional Water and Power System, a critical part of San Francisco’s energy infrastructure.
Involving Educators and Parents on College Hill Learning Garden Energy Education
For the first time, educators and parents learned about the field trips the College Hill Learning Garden offers to San Francisco K-12 students. Some teachers even reserved a spot to take their students on a future educational summer field trip. Metzali Andrade, the College Hill Garden Manager, was greeted by students who had attended the garden field trip program with their school class. One student recognized Metzali, saying, “I know you! I have been in the garden with my class.” This heartwarming moment highlighted the lasting impact of these educational programs, which not only teach students about sustainability but also foster a strong connection to nature and the environment.
Supporting Families with Energy Savings Information
For parents attending the fair, we provided information about our clean energy programs, CleanPowerSF and Hetch Hetchy Power, as well as the benefits of clean energy and how to manage energy bills. With rising electricity costs, many families were grateful for the opportunity to learn about energy-saving options. One of the participants, said “thank you for sharing this information. My parents who are seniors can qualify for the CARE discount program, and I was not even aware of this. They will be able to save on their electricity bill.”
A Day of Community Engagement and Connection
This event was a fantastic opportunity for the SFPUC to make meaningful connections with our community and provide them with the tools and knowledge they need to make informed decisions about energy use, sustainability, and available local programs. Through these outreach activities, we are meeting communities where they are and ensuring they have access to valuable programs and services. By engaging with local students, educators, and families, we are not only educating the next generation about clean energy, but we are also building relationships that help create a more sustainable and informed San Francisco. The success of the Summer Resource Fair is a testament to the power of collaboration and community engagement, and we look forward to continuing these efforts in the future. As we move forward, the SFPUC remains committed to bringing clean energy solutions and educational opportunities to all of San Francisco, empowering our communities to build a sustainable future together.